He Rau Oriwa

He Rau Oriwa


He Rau Oriwa by Waiora Te Moni

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11-Unlimited $5.00 $25.00

He Rau Oriwa is a prayer book inspired by the book of Psalms. Written by Waiora Te Moni, she created these karakia “as a gift to those who want to express their faith in te reo Māori and through an indigenous lens.” Each of the eight newly written karakia have a unique and specific purpose, examples include opening and closing kaupapa, blessing taonga, and prayers to support whānau through grief.

While the book is largely written in te reo Māori, alongside each of the karakia is an English translation to help learners on their journey towards fluency. Waiora ultimately hopes “this book will inspire readers to cultivate a curiosity to read the Bible. The Māori language is the life essence of Māori, and the words of God are the life essence of all of us.

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